Did Vance Miss His Chance?

This conversation between Vance and a young lady has been circulating on social media with so many varying thoughts and opinions. I’ll say this first. I find it to be a disturbing trend that women are posting their interactions with men on social media for the world to see….and critique. I believe that first of all, it introduces more piss into what single women already believe to be a pissy dating pool! Secondly, if I were a guy, I would avoid you like the plague – some kind of toxic plague. I’m just saying!

Well, I saw the conversation posted on a young lady’s Facebook post, and I didn’t agree with the idea that this lady was wholly right, or should I say, had made a wise decision. Now, of course, she is free to make whatever decision she deems appropriate for herself. Nevertheless, I ran over to my space (FB page) to voice my opinion regarding women accepting ice cream dates on a first date. Should we? These were my thoughts…

I’m not going to leave a whole lot of room for interpretation of how I feel about this matter. Many black women today are delusional, ungrateful, in denial, entitled and selfish! Listen ladies…men, especially “men of means” [which the majority of women say they want!] are not putting up with the foolishness any more! In case you did not know, they are becoming more and more enlightened to your BS, and your UNREALISTIC standards! Dating coaches and matchmakers are even out here throwing up their hands in frustration and quitting on you all!

These men know that 30% of women go out on dates just because they are hungry, have no money and are simply looking for a free meal – so-called “foodie calls“!! (https://nypost.com/2019/06/21/a-third-of-women-only-date-men-because-of-the-free-food-study/)

So, if that man is asking you out on a date to get ice cream and you are turning him down because you are so-called “above that”, best believe…you have been systematically weeded out! For him to take you out on an ice cream, smoothie or coffee date on the FIRST date DOES NOT speak to his character or his wallet!!! That you would turn him down because of it, speaks to YOURS [character]! Your so-called “high standards” will keep you SINGLE! SINGLE! SINGLE!

The same woman who accepted the ice cream date and just sat her butt down on that stool at the ice cream counter with her dripping ice cream cone, talked, laughed and genuinely enjoyed his company is now being wined and dined at the finest restaurants with a Mrs. in front of her name! But hey, you deserve God’s best and God didn’t say not one nary thing to you about Baskin-Robbins or even that delicious heavenly Häagen-Dazs, because Boaz wouldn’t come at you like that…right??! My God!

Well…did Vance miss his chance? In case it wasn’t clear, it’s most likely that ol’ girl lost hers!

Coach Harriett

July 19, 2023

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